All mixed up
Hybrid Soul : Recycled music
The sonic fusion of cutting edge beats, loops and acapellas by random YouTube and noego music artists recorded via mobile phone.
Crack is the boss – Gil Noble / Bob williams
This brothers got it goin’ on – Ousman
Black lives matter – LL Cool J
Zombie – The Cranberries
O come o come Emmanuel – Malinda / Kofi Billz
The empire came home
Lovin’ you – Minnie Riperton
Who will pick it up – Aziya
I ain’t mad at you – Shea Doll
Praise you
Groove line – Heatwave
Yi jian mei – Fei Yu Ching
- Crack is the boss
- This brothers got it goin’ onBlack lives matter
- Zombie
- O come o come Emmanuel
- The empire came home
- Lovin’ you
- Who will pick it up
- I ain’t mad at you
- Praise you
- Groove line
- Yi jian mei
The Empire Came Home
The Empire came home
And here we all are
Straight off the boat sink or swim
One way ticket to Liverpool from Dublin
On pavements and roads they walk with a gimp
Just buy a ticket and they’ll let you right in
The streets are paved with gold so the story goes
Even though you are stupid you still get to vote
Irish folk when they spoke became the standard model joke
To die laughing is the best way to go
The Empire came home
And here we all are
Different language foreign tongue useful idiots everyone
Different God foreign king no way they’ll fit in
No dogs no blacks no Irish
No room at the inn
My daddy was a navvy from the west country
Where things ain’t perfect and are never gonna be
So he left his native land in search of industry
And settled in the bosom of the enemy
Free education thank you England
Free healthcare thank you Britain
Put your trust in the system and it will always be there
Pay your tax pay your share contribute for your care
English heart Irish blood never had it this good
Oasis have reformed kissed and made up
The Empire came home
And here we all are
Paddy’s in diggers earning six figures
Turning cities into building sites
Paddy’s in diggers earning six figures
Putting up parking lots in paradise
Praise You
Wishful thinking
All day drinking
Woke up this morning
With that sinking feeling
I lay for a while
Unable to speak
Then I rolled over
And went back to sleep
Shaken not stirred
My vision was blurred
Willed into existence
By the universe
I know I’ve done wrong
I’ll try put it right
I’m trying to heed
The good words of the wise
Close my eyes
Shut out the world
And all of its complexities
I want to believe in something
Much greater than me
Praise you
I’m grateful for my stupid little life
Praise you
So grateful for my stupid little life
Contemplating my death
Was it something I said
Will I die on my feet
Or will I die in my bed
I wont take the blue pill
I wont swallow the red
What’s the point of anything
If you wont raise me up when I’m dead
Sometimes I need answers
Silence will not do
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
One plus one is two
Praise you
I’m grateful for my stupid little life
Praise you
So grateful for my stupid little life
Raise me up when I’m dead
And if you were to ask me
To try sum up conclude
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Consciousness is proof
To know beauty is to know you
It has been my greatest pleasure to have served you
Praise you
I’m grateful for my stupid little life
Praise you
So grateful for my stupid little life
Girl sings in a church with the most amazing acoustics
LL Cool J
This Brother’s Got It Goin’ On
Crack User in the 80’s epic interview
Heavenly Pads VST – FREE String Pad Synthesizer
VA – Loops – Drum – 106 bpm. No copyright loops
FUNKY DISCO – Practice Drum Track / Drum Loop 106 BPM
70 BPM – Trap Drum Beat – Toosie Slide Based – Drake
R&B Ballad Drum Loop 70 BPM
Trap / Hip Hop – DRUMS LOOP – 140 BPM
HEATWAVE / The Groove Line 1978
70 BPM Coconut Bongo Drum Loop
Yi Jian Mei – Vocals Only Acapella
Minnie Riperton – Loving You – Isolated Vocals
The Cranberries – Zombie (Vocals Only)