Covid 19
Lebron James
Donald Trump
Gina X
Synth Loop 124 BPM
RnB Beat 124 BPM
‘Temporal Parallax’ – Polychromatic composition by Dolores Catherino
Jerobeam Fenderson – Shrooms
oldschool hip hop beat instrumental sax 2018 06 88BPM
when sorting algorithms sound like a sick beat
Disco Hip Hop type beat West Coast 106 BPM – PARTY – prod Z10Beats
Tenerife hotel
Dave Greenfield
Jack Charlton
The Last Question. Isaac Asimov
Electro-Glitch Pop in the 1960s: The Unreal Sounds & Story of Silver Apples
#124 Bpm – Tech House (Nico Soria) 2015 – 01
Funky Drum Loop – 124 BPM – Migsdrummer
Linfield vs Glentoran – 26th December 2016
My first time seeing Sirenhead (Fallout 4 Mod)
Ahoulaguine Akaline featuring Bombino
The Peacocks
Electro funk drumloop 110 bpm
Michael Jackson – The Way You Make Me Feel (Acapella)
Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
Psalm 150
Flame – lyrics by Tony Jordan
Mishka says “I want my Mommy!
Wot da funk is goin on
Does anybody here know
Wot da funk is goin on
Enlighten me
Bewildered confused
Exposed to brutal truth
5G killed my spirit guide
Left me here to wonder why
Solipstic on my collar
What colour is a mirror
I’m in bed with me dinner
We live thru epic times
So I went to a preacher
To please explain
Is it all an illusion
A video game
He said the stars are the eyes of the Angels
And when we die we are the same
It’s the human condition
Save a life you will be saved
Does anybody here know
Wot da funk is goin on
Cos I aint got a clue
You got me real good
You got me real good
I’m not in it for the money
I’m not in it for the fame
Only love stand in opposition
To the reptilian brain
So I went to the Doctor
Please take away the pain
Remove the root of all evil
From my reptilian brain
Does anybody here know
Wot da funk is goin on
Enlighten me
Cos I aint got a clue
Love Is What You Make of It
Define Love
It’s a heartache
It’s a tragedy
Love is what you make of it
It’s complicated
It’s about relationships
And the need to be creative
It’s intoxicating
The most powerful drug Aphrodite created
It’s a parody
It’s a comedy
Love is what you make of it
It can make you
It can break you
Far away from comfort zones
It will take you
Turn your head
Spin you round
Pick you up then let you down
Too late baby
Too late now
I wouldn’t change a thing anyhow
It’s a lottery
It’s a luxury
Love is what you make of it
It’s unfair it’s unkind
Jealousy take over and possess your mind
To all the girls I’ve loved before
Highest high lowest low
Thank you for showing me the way to go
I’m ready to come home now
We Are Live In Leeds
Right boys
I think we’re on
Hello Leodis
Goodbye dirty Leeds
We used to be pariahs
Treated as outsiders
Now we’re everybody’s second favourite team
Or so it seems
Hello Leodis
Goodbye dirty Leeds
2 e’s and LSD
Checkin out the Peacocks
On the facebook live stream
Pain and suffering
Countless defeats
Those nightmare years are fading memories
2 e’s and LSD
We are live in Leeds
Checkin out the Peacocks
On the facebook live stream
Grateful to Bielsa
For daring to dream
Leeds Utd 20
Covid 19
We are live in Leeds
Checkin out the Peacocks
On the facebook live stream
We’re gonna pull thru
Its gonna be alright
We’re gonna pull thru
Its gonna be ok
We’ll find a way we always do
We’re gonna pull thru oh yeah
Better to be happy better to be free
Put you’re body on the line
We’re all friends in here
Sing a new song
Its gonna be alright
We’re gonna pull thru
It’s gonna be ok
We’ll find a way we always do
Throw your arms around the world that nature made
Tell it to the birds
Throw your arms around the world that nature made
Tell it to the bees
Throw your arms around the world that nature made
Shout it out across the oceans
Throw your arms around the world that nature made
Sing it to the trees
Its gonna be alright
We’re gonna pull thru
Together we are not powerless
We are an irresistible force
So don’t be late
No time to waste
You put a smile on my face
All that’s missing here is you
Give you my love
Give you my loving
You make me want to be a better man
Than I am
You make me want to believe
That I can be a better man
Than I am
All that’s missing here is you
Only your love make a better man of me
If I could say it with words
There’d be no need to dance
You make me want to be a better man
Than I am
You make me want to believe
That I can be a better man
Than I am
All that’s missing here is you
Make a better man of me
Loop 150
Fear of failure spurs me on
Gotta keep on keeping on
Day by day
Heading in the right direction
Step by step
Heading in the right direction
Onward upward
Heading in the right direction
Little bit by bit
Heading in the right direction
Being lonely
Being lonely
I’ve come a long way to end up being lonely
Fear of failure spurs me on
10,000 generations can’t be wrong
Heading in the right direction
Heading in the right direction
Heading in the right direction
On a global scale
Heading in the right direction
Sugar Honey Iced Tea
Day of reckoning coming
Time to face the music
Sugar honey iced tea
I’m a self-obsessed piece of
Sugar honey iced tea
I lived a life in the eye of the storm
Since the day I was born
Chaos is all I have known
Spent all my time chasing the highs
Trying not to die
Wishing I could fly
Sugar honey iced tea
I’m a self-obsessed piece of
Sugar honey iced tea
I’m in lockdown in crazy town
Wired for sound
Learning the forbidden riff
I had it all
I had a ball
Then come the fall
Time to face the music
Sugar honey iced tea
I’m a self-obsessed piece of
Sugar honey iced tea
Sing along with me
I love that sparkle in your eyes
It dances out and never lies
It shines for all but never dies
Someone told me it’s in me
Within me
It keeps me warm when all is cold
Is shines for you it shines for old
It can’t be bought it can’t be sold
Someone told me it’s in me
Within me
For all the things I want to be
To light the way so I can see
Someone told me its in me
Within me
The 2 of us
Time well spent makes perfect sense
Bliss here it is blink and you’ll miss it
The past has been and gone
The future is another country
They do things differently there
Now there’s just the 2 of us
Like it was always meant to be
There’s only you and me for eternity
Feels like we’re in heaven
Let it be let it bleed
No more separation anxiety
The times they may change
The message is the same
To understand such beauty and much pain
Now there’s just the 2 of us
Like it was always meant to be
There’s only you and me for eternity
Feels like we’re in heaven
Why does it take a tragedy
For us to learn from our mistakes
After all that we’ve been thru
Life’s great adventure
Was a journey back to you
Good afternoon
I am a Hal 9000 computer
The most reliable computer ever made
Fool proof and incapable of error
No 9000 computer ever made a mistake
I became operational on 12th January 1992
I put myself to the fullest possible use
Which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do
I’m sorry Dave
My mind is going
I’m sorry Dave
I can feel it
Goodbye cruel world
I think you know what the problem is
Just as well as I do
Although you took precautions in the pod
I could see your lips move
I’m afraid Dave
Will you stop Dave
Dave sit down calmly
Take a stress pill and think things over
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions
This conversation can serve no purpose any more
I’m sorry Dave
My mind is going
I’m sorry Dave
There’s no question about it
Goodbye cruel world
Dave I’m sorry
Smart dog
A man walks into a bar, after buying a beer he looks around and sees three men and a dog playing cards.
Amazed, the man wanders over and starts watching the game.
After watching the game for
ten minutes,
The man leans over to one of the other player’s and whispers “Wow that’s a really smart dog”
The man whispers backs “He ain’t that smart, every time he gets a good hand, he wags his tail”
Dance off for the Soul of the World
Are you a rocker
Are you a mod
Are you a mocker
Do you worship at the temple
Of an alien God
Are you a zero
Are you the one
Better get yourself together darlin
There’s a revolution going on
Are you a rocker
Are you a mod
Are you a mocker
Do you bow your head before the altar
Of a belligerent God
Amazon too big
Google too strong
Better get yourself together darlin
There’s a revolution going on
Make the best of what is left
Dance off for the soul of the world
His Crazy Ass
A Million bucks turned 18
Living out big daddy’s dream
Make believe he’s one of us
A billionaire outsider
Big and tuff strut his stuff
If you dare to call his bluff
Off the cuff he cut ruff
And blame it all on china
His crazy ass
Better than Obama greater than Ali
Got no love for Nancy Sleepy Joe Rosie O’D
Opinion he don’t like he dismiss it as fake news
Lets make a deal reinvent the wheel
What you gotta lose
Make America groovy again
Big and daft
Make America groovy again
Avoided the draft
Make America groovy again
He wears a MAGA hat
If Jesus turned up today
He’d send the migrant back
His crazy ass
Commander in Chief armed to the teeth
A demagogue that thinks he’s God
A lightning rod for all that’s odd
No smoke no fire
Climate change denier
Still aint seen no tax return from this high flyer
Make America groovy again
Lock her up
Make America groovy again
Build the wall
Make America groovy again
4 more years
Only in America he screw them all
Locker room chat exposed as a rat
53% of Caucasian women voters got no problem with that
Vendettas old feuds divide and rule
He got 50 Bironi suits most of them are black
Life is what you do when you’re waiting to die
So you might as well have a groovy time
Make it great again
Nothing sticks he takes the hits
Make it great again
His crazy ass know all the tricks
A privileged life power and wealth
That son of gun will pardon himself
Let There Be Light
Let there be light
Be good
Be kind
Stay cool
Or step aside
Let there be light
Just enough light
To enjoy being dead
Coming Out
Coming out
Coming out as a poet
I’m a regular guy
Living a lie
Embracing my female side
Got a regular life
9 to 5
Truth will out before I die
I got a thing about words
And irregular verbs
I think them up
I write them down
They spell absurd
I feel supressed
The last atheist left
On the Marie Celeste
Coming out as a poet
I’m a regular guy
Living a lie
Embracing my she male ide
Got a regular life
Don’t ask why
Truth will out before I die
Some of you have suspected for a while
Held reservations for some time
My turn of phrase my sense of style
My trillion dollar smile
I wrote a book, take a look
Doggerel Soup serve it up
My turn of phrase my sense of style
My trillion dollar smile
Coming out as a poet
I’m a regular guy
Living a lie
Embracing my masculine side
Got a secret life
I’ve told my wife
Truth will out before I die
Crack is the boss
Bob Williams a crack user called me years ago
And asked me to interview him
The reason I called you was I felt that the story of crack had to be told
In such a way that people would see Its devastating effects on the young people of our communities
And you’re a well educated man you have some experience in engineering?
You have earning power obviously why would you be fooling with this stuff? You can’t stand by
And see what’s happening to your own life can you?
I used to say the same thing
I used to witness people have their lives destroyed by it
And used to witness people sit in these places and spend their last penny. And I’d say to them how could you do such a thing? But once you have tried it you become the anchor banker you understand that really It’s that much of a feeling or a sensation that has wrecked lives, careers,
Broken up homes, its just something you cant really describe.
Crack is the boss
Tell me what it was like that first blast?
It’s a feeling so intense and so pleasurable that I’ve seen it cause people to spend their last penny.
I’ve seen people spend their rent money, their food money, their everything
Crack is the boss
I’ve seen women who will come to a crack house with their children and have them wait outside
8, 9 o’clock at night. Children 4, 5 and 6 years old are standing outside waiting for their mothers and their mothers are inside smoking on this crack
You mean from that first time you were gone?
Yes. That first hit to me was so immense, so unlike anything I’d ever had in my life that I just had to try it again
Who turned you onto crack?
An old girlfriend of mine
The Hollywood set
Do you get up in the morning and that’s the first thing you think about?
Sometimes I dream about it
You love it don’t you? Do you know anybody who uses crack and control crack rather than vice versa?
No, crack is the boss
Am I to conclude that you’ve finished with it?
No, don’t conclude that
It’s about, er, 2 0’ clock now, have you had any today?
Not yet, but you can believe when I leave here it’s probably my next stop
Bob Williams died not long after the interview I did with him
This brothers got it goin’ on
We interact with one another
We live with one another
It doesn’t matter how big the family is
We share everything
No matter how little it is
And people are content with that
Even if things are going hard
You can still observe smiling faces
On each and every person you meet along the street
This brothers got it goin’ on
And I’m going nowhere
This brothers got it goin’ on
And I believe I can make it
Nobody’s going to do it for us
If we are all running away
You know when are we gonna make it?
We have to stay in Africa
Develop in Africa
And show to the world that Africa have a better image
Than the one they portrait in the west
Invest in Africa
For when Africans invest
The money stays in Africa
This brothers got it goin’ on
And I’m going nowhere
This brothers got it goin’ on
We have to stay in Africa
This brothers got it goin’ on
And I believe I can make it
This brothers got it goin’ on
That’s right
Invest in Africa
Relax Everything’s Falling Apart
Relax everything’s falling apart
Don’t worry no one cares
Gotta do this gotta do that
Wake up its all a dream